Temporary work isn’t just a great way to get back into work. A temp job can serve many purposes. Especially at a time when we a living in a cost-of-living crisis! There are also longer-term benefits. A temp job can lead to exciting new opportunities for your future career too!
If you think that temp work isn’t for you, perhaps it’s time to think a little differently. There are plenty of temporary job benefits that are worth considering.
‘Try before you buy’ approach
Maybe you are just getting back to work from a break. Or maybe you are considering a change in career? Either way, taking a temporary job first can help you understand what it is you are looking for long-term. This can also be a hugely valuable experience if you’re really not sure what you want to do. Temp work enables you to try lots of different roles before you settle on your dream job. However, it’s also possible that your dream job could be being a temporary worker. More on that below…
Learn new skills with temporary work
Taking on a temporary job in a new field is a great way to learn new skills. Whether it’s a new sector, different working environment, or a totally different career path. It can give you such an insight into how different companies work and what they value. This will in turn help you to decide what’s important to you and in which sector or environment you thrive in. Learning new skills is not only vital to your career and personal development, it’s also good for your mental health too! Temporary work is a great way to do this, whilst also getting paid.

Earn extra money
Temporary work can be a really great way to earn extra money. Whether you are at university and need work through the holidays, or are looking for work you can dip in and out of as needed. Temp work is the perfect choice. You can take work for as little as a few days, up to a few months. So whatever you’re saving for, temp work could help you top up that bank account.
Temporary work isn’t always temporary
If you do a great job in your temp position and you may find yourself being offered a full-time role. Being a temp is a great way to prove your skills, enthusiasm and attitude on the job. That way, you will already be a sound choice in the employer’s eyes and strongly placed to secure any permanent position that becomes available.
How Charterhouse can help
We’ve been helping companies to secure great temporary and permanent candidates for over 20 years. So if you are looking for temporary work, can are the perfect people to help. Take a look at all our latest jobs or get int ouch with Katie Hardcastle, Specialist Recruiter for FTC and Temporary on 01904 629 009 or email katie.hardcastle@charter.fisherinc.co.uk