Repurpose your cv for a new sector and increase your chances of securing a new role with our simple tips.
The jobs market has changed beyond anything any of us could have imagined. But whilst some sectors are struggling and making redundancies, some are seeing huge increases in workload meaning that there are opportunities out there. You may just need to make some changes to your CV to suit the current climate and to help you stand out!
Start from scratch
Make a fresh start. A change in career or sector calls for a complete overhaul. It’s a chance to reanalyse your skills and experience and think how you can apply them to a new role. Start with your personal statement. This can be one of the most impactful parts of your CV. No doubt, a change in sector will require a change in your personal statement. Make the focus here on what you have, not what you lack.

Focus on transferable skills
Look through each job you’ve had. What skills were needed to be successful? By separating out skills from your employment history, you’ll find it easier to highlight those that are transferable. Focus on what is relevant to the vacancy. There will always be cross-overs, but it’s up to you to highlight them. Don’t assume that the hiring manager will make the connection.
But, to make your CV stand out even more, focus on hard facts and figures where you can. This will help prove to the hiring manager that have great potential. Think how you can demonstrate that you have applied the skills needed in previous jobs. Also, think about skills you have gained outside of the working environment. Sometimes this is what makes the difference between an interview and a rejection.
Change up the format to repurpose your cv
When changing sector, think about the format of your CV. This is where having the traditional format of personal statement and employment history on the first page may not be the best option. Instead, use the first page to really highlight your skills. Split this out into sections of each skill needed for the role and demonstrate your experience under each. This makes it easy for the hiring manager to see your suitability at a glance. It also show that you have researched the position and taken the time to tailor your application. If attention to detail or research skills are on the skills list, then you’ve show you have these skills simply by including this section on your CV. Remember, your CV says more about you than you think!
What to leave out
So now that you have your first page done, it’s time to move onto your employment history. But, don’t feel that you have to cover everything you did in each role. Again focus in on skills and keep it short. You’ve used extra space by creating the skills section on page one. Don’t use up valuable space with unnecessary details that are not relevant to the job.
Take some courses
And finally, if you really are keen to enter a new sector, the best way to show this is by taking some courses. Showing that you are happy to take time out to learn about a new sector, or a new skill proves you are committed. And there’s lots of free resources available so this doesn’t have to cost you a penny. All you need to commit is a little of your time.