Remote interviews may not have been on your top list of skills to master, but in 2020, the world had different ideas! Now, despite restrictions being lifted, it looks as if the remote interview is here to stay.
How you prepare and conduct yourself remotely isn’t hugely different than a face to face, but there are some key tips you need to really ace your remote interview.
Tip 1 – Don’t Wing It! Prepare for your Remote Interviews!
Preparation looks slightly different when you are on a remote interview. The advantage is that you can have all your notes in front of you, the website open and lots more. However, be mindful that it will be clear to the interviewer if your eyes are darting around all over the place so bear that in mind. You don’t want to look like you don’t know the answer to a question and are quickly Googling! Make notes and if you do need to refer to them then tell the interviewer that’s what your are doing. You can even show your notes – interviewers like to see your preparation in advance of the remote interview.
Tip 2 – Prepare Your Tech
There’s nothing worse in a remote interview than tech not working! Test it all our beforehand and make sure that you are confident it will work. If you are in any way nervous about your remote interviews then you don’t need any additional concerns about the tech. Test it out with a friend. Choose the best location. Check your sound. We strongly recommend using headphones for all remote interviews as it will help make sure you can hear the interviewer clearly.

Tip 3 – Minimise Distractions and Noise
Do you have a dog that barks when someone comes to the door? A cat that likes to jump on your knee at your desk? Do you have children at home. Builders, cleaners or anyone else who could make a noise and distract you during those all important remote interviews? Do everything you can to make sure that any noises or disruptions are kept to a minimum. There have been so many great examples on the news recently as to why this is so important. The politician interrupted by his children that we all no doubt saw during lockdown, was the perfect example of what not to do.
Tip 4 – Look professional
The fact is that so many of us are still working from home and the office dress code may a distant memory. However, don’t let this dictate what you wear for your remote interviews. Dress as you would for a face-to-face interview and this doesn’t mean that pants are optional! There’s some great footage online of newsreaders with shorts on under their desk! Be aware – you may be asked to stand for whatever reason and the last thing you need is the embarrassment of anything other than head to toe professional. Dress as you would before the virtual world took over.
Tip 5 – Show Your Enthusiasm in Remote Interviews
This is possibly the area that’s most difficult to get across in remote interviews. You can express your enthusiasm of the office or the environment in a face to face interview. The same can’t necessarily be said in a virtual set-up. Therefore, we strongly recommend preparing your priority points in advance. Remember that an interview is a 2 way street and it’s also your opportunity to shine. Ask the relevant questions you need to make sure the culture and job are for you. However, you also need to make sure that you are able to showcase your skills. Make a list of the things you want to get across in the interview. Remember that when an interviewer asks if you have any questions, you can also use this as an opportunity to ask how you’ve performed. Is there anything you have missed? Anything they would like you to go into more detail about.
By utilising the latest technology, we are working with companies on arranging remote interviews on a daily basis. If you are looking for work, why not take a look at our latest jobs. And who knows, you could have a remote interview for your dream job by the end of the week!