Workplace culture is something that has seen a dramatic shift over the last 2 years. With most having to adapt to working from home, lots of business leaders found it hard to continue with the office based culture. But now, as we all start to return to the office, even if just part-time, the importance for a positive workplace culture is front and centre again.
Nobody wants to work for a business with a toxic workplace culture. Just take a look at the Brew Dog documentary that recently aired to see this in action. The advent of social media can see us getting a little FOMO, even in a work situation. Pictures of offices with treehouses, ‘instagrammable’ break-out areas and even overseas working. You don’t have to look far to see some great examples of positive workplace culture.
However, we don’t all have to be a google. There are lots of ways you can build a positive workplace culture. Our team share their insight after speaking to many candidates and clients.
Flexible working hours
If we were writing this blog at the beginning of 2020, our view on flexible working hours would be very different! Now, most candidates expect flexibility from day one. They want flexible working, or even 100% home working. Some companies are operating 3 days a week in the office; some just 2. Whatever you decide is best for your business, it’s important to make the time in the office as positive as possible for everyone. Whilst there are many positives from working at home, most employees still want that personal contact with their colleagues. Great friendships are forged with colleagues – make sure that your environment allows that. But don’t think that flexible working is all you need to do to create a positive workplace culture. We share some quick and easy ideas that can make all the difference –
4pm finish on Fridays
How productive would you say your employees are after 4pm on a Friday? This is such a small perk that will really make your employees feel valued, whilst also helping you stand out from your competitors.
Free tea, coffee and fruit
Show your employees some appreciation for their hard work, by providing them with free tea, coffee and fruit. When people have been working at home, they have had access to their kitchen 24/7. Make the office as homely as possible and the transition from one to another will be less sharp.
‘Duvet day’ & day off on your birthday
On top of the legal holidays your employees receive, how about offering the day off on their birthday, or a ‘duvet day’ to take whenever they wish? This is a great way of showing your employees that you care about them as an individual and can increase morale.

Office games
Investing in games such as a ping pong or a pool table is a small cost if makes the working environment fun. It’s a great way of improving job satisfaction whilst also encouraging engagement between employees by allowing them to interact and socialise. Just make sure that it’s away from others who are working as it can be rather a distraction!
Team building
This can be anything from a team meal, bowling, drinks after work or go-karting. It really can be anything that shows your team that you’re thankful for their hard work and want to reward them for this. Little and often is the best approach.
In office massages
Once a month, you could hire a masseuse to come to the office. What a wonderful benefit for your employees that will help them de-stress! On average in the UK, a person suffering with stress took around 25.8 days off work, costing you much more than the price of a masseuse.
Dress down
Have you relaxed your dress code since returning to the office? Not everyone has the disposable income to be buying smart clothing and dress down has been proven to increase job satisfaction. Allow your employees to feel comfortable whilst they work, they’ll thank you for it!
Stress zones
Provide dedicated areas around the office where your employees can sit down and take five minutes to clear their head. Sometimes, being able to step away and gain a clear head can make all the difference to a person’s stress levels and help them to produce higher standards of work.
In summary
Investing in just some of the above suggestions will help you build a non-toxic, working environment. It will increase employee productivity, commitment, motivation and retention, meaning that they will pretty much pay for themselves. Moreover, providing excellent employee benefits will not only improve your company reputation, it will also make you stand out from your competitors when it comes to recruiting. Result!
If you need help attracting people to your company, we can help! We’ve been helping companies recruit the very best candidates for over 20 years and we’d love the opportunity to do the same for you. Get in touch with our expert consultants today.