The Top 10 Things Your CV Can Benefit From

how to write a cv

The Power of a Well-Crafted CV and Why It Matters The power of a well-crafted CV cannot be underestimated. Your CV is not just a document that lists your skills and experiences; it is your ticket to opening doors and securing opportunities. It is the first impression you make on potential employers, and it can […]

How to Attract Gen Z Talent to Work for Your Business

attracting Gen Z

Welcome to the exciting world of the future workforce! Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is redefining work culture with their unique perspectives, innovative thinking, and digital prowess. To attract Gen Z talent, it’s crucial to understand their values and preferences while showcasing your organisation’s mission, growth opportunities, commitment to a healthy work-life balance, […]

The Role of Recruiting in Creating a Positive Company Culture

recruiting into a culture

Recruiting is the most important thing for a positive company culture. It’s a well-known fact that one bad apple can spoil a bunch.  Recruiting is like the backbone of your company. It’s not just about looking for the best talent. It’s about finding those talented individuals who will become productive colleagues in your company, those […]

Recruitment Agency Insider: The Skills That Will Land You Your Dream Job

new job

As a recruitment agency, we often get asked about the most important skills that employers look for in candidates. Therefore, we’ve compiled this list of skills from our experience working with companies to find the ideal employee for their roles. Communication Communication is one of the most important skills you can develop in your career. […]

Why Perks and Benefits are Important to Attract Candidates to Jobs

employee benefits

You’ve probably heard that perks and benefits are important to attract candidates to jobs. But why? Well, here are some reasons: But what does “perks and benefits” really mean? For starters, perks are things like free meals or gym memberships. Benefits are more long-term, like health insurance. The idea is that these perks and benefits […]

6 Tips to Help You Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity at Work

stress at work

What is Stress & How Does It Impact Your Work Performance? Stress is an unavoidable part of life and work. It can be caused by a number of different factors, including work-related issues, personal relationships, or even the environment. It’s important to understand how stress can affect your work performance and productivity so you can […]

4 Surprising Benefits of Loving Your Job

love your job

Loving your job can actually help you succeed. In the words of Steve Jobs “the only way to do great work is to love what you do’. But how does this lead to success in your job? Loving your job is a great productivity booster and this will help enhance your performance. People who enjoy […]

The Top 5 Interview Questions to Ask Candidates

Questions to ask at interview

Interview questions – what can you ask to make sure you are making the right decision when it comes to hiring for your team? Love them or hate them, interviews will always be an essential part of the hiring process. Lots of interviews have moved online now and for many, this is still a new […]

The Top Business Terms of 2022

Business Terms of 2022

There were quite a few new business terms we heard in 2022. Maybe you’re already using them? We cover the business terms you need to know to help navigate the workplace in 2023. ‘Quiet Quitting’ You’ve no doubt heard this phrase a lot over the last few months. But what does it mean? Quiet quitting […]

5 Reasons to Hire a Temporary Worker

temporary worker

A temporary worker could be the perfect solution for your business in the run up to Christmas and beyond. With a continuously shrinking talent pool and an increasing demand for talent, it can mean that recruiting the perfect permanent candidate takes longer than before. But what impact does waiting have on your business? Or it […]